Gear Guide: The Best Hunting Gear Under $15
The Best Hunting Gear for Under $15
A practical hunting gear guide for Okayest Hunter's that won't break the bank
By PJ DelHomme | PUBLISHED September 20th, 2022
After paying for a license, gassing up the truck, buying a few burritos from the gas station, and assuming you found a box of bullets to buy, chances are there’s not much left in your hunting budget. Fear not. With these cheap hunting hacks, you can at least feel like a million bucks.
Yellow electrical tape
Cost $5
Grab a roll of blinding yellow tape and wrap a few yards around your knife sheath. The tape comes in handy when it’s time to wrap that notched tag around a set of antlers or a rear quarter. And the color helps when the sheath sprouts legs and walks away. Why they make camo knife handles and sheaths, I’ll never know.
Zip ties
Cost: $7
Zip ties are like duct tape—you just never know when or why you’re going to need them. I’ve used zip ties to repair game trailers, attach tags in wet weather, fix a broken zipper, and the list goes on.
Cost: $1
When I hunt with a pack, my kids expand their four-letter word arsenal every time my rifle slides down my shoulder. The solution? Sew a giant button onto your pack strap to act as a sling stopper.
Rubber gloves
Cost: Free
The next time you’re in for a check-up, ask the doc for a couple of pairs of exam gloves. Don’t be shy; you’re paying for them in the long run. They’re great for keeping your hands relatively clean the next time your elbows are deep in an elk’s chest cavity.
Wet wipes
Cost: $5
Whether you're wiping blood off your elbows or just trying to freshen up a little before the drive home, do yourself a favor and throw some wipes in your pack. They are a lot like brushing your teeth after a long night. You may not smell clean, but man, you will feel clean.
Paracord shoestrings
Cost $4.50 for 50 feet
I love it when I can get double or triple-duty out of one item. In a pinch, paracord shoestrings double as firestarters when frayed. Just be sure to make them long enough so you can spare a few inches and still hike out with your boots on.
Self-inflating Butt pad
Cost: $15
At some point on a hunt, you’ll want to sit down to eat lunch, glass some hillsides, or just take a break. I’ve tried sitting on nothing, which makes for a cold, wet butt. I used my pack, but my chips turned to powder, and my sandwich was even less inviting. Treat yourself to an inflatable butt pad. I’m sitting on one right as I type this. Worth every penny.
PJ DelHomme writes and edits content from his home in western Montana. He runs Crazy Canyon Media and Crazy Canyon Journal.
1 comment
For the butt pad, I use a gardening kneeling pad, had the same forest green one in my pack for 15 years. Cost: $1.00 at the dollar store.
My favorite piece of gear of all-time is an Elmer’s Glue bottle, rinsed and filled with corn starch. Best, cheap wind checker you can own and the flat glue bottle fits well in all pockets. The screw top allows you to adjust the puff to your liking.