You Don’t Ice Fish? No Big Deal

You Don’t Ice Fish? No Big Deal

By Tyler Mieden | PUBLISHED February 21st, 2022 

If you are like me, you have no desire to sit on the ice in frigid temperatures waiting to yell “Fish on!” For those that enjoy the sport, I hold no ill will against it. It’s not something I’m passionate about. I’ve been ice fishing a handful of times, but I don’t have a strong pull to do it again. With deer season officially closed, and turkey season a few months away, it can feel like there’s a gap in activities that fill your outdoor bucket if you don’t ice fish. I’m here to tell you though, there’s still plenty of activities to fill your outdoor quotient. Below are 3 of my favorite things to do during the “late winter lull.”

Go Scouting / Shed Hunting

It’s still early here in Wisconsin, but there are bucks dropping antlers. While we wait for more sheds to hit the ground, scouting for is a great way to learn and prep for next year. You can start to visualize encounters (that likely won’t happen if you are like me), and feel the excitement of fall that is over half a year away. It might even prompt you to pull out your bow and sling a few practice shots. 

Go For A Hike

No, you aren’t doing any scouting for next year, and you aren’t likely to run into a shed on a hiking trail, but there’s a lot to gain from getting fresh air and stretching your legs. We hunt for memories and part of that is enjoying nature. Hiking is a great way to enjoy nature and get in touch with the part of us that longs to be outside.

Hit Up A Local Game Farm & Chase Pheasants

Admittedly, I’m a big fan of chasing feathers and love training dogs so this one is right up my alley. However, if you’ve got an itchy trigger finger and are looking for a fun hunt, a 10 bird morning hunt is a great way to break up the monotony of the late winter lull. It's lowkey, fun to watch the dog(s) work, and there’s plenty of camaraderie. The amount of smack talk that goes around as you and your buddies miss chip shots might even remind you of deer camp. 


Those are my three favorite activities to do during the late winter lull, but there’s many more. You have to find what works for you, what you enjoy, and what fills your outdoors bucket. My piece of advice is to step outside of your comfort zone and give something new a try, especially if you are feeling bored right now. Now go get a little fresh air and start dreaming of fall as you await turkey season.


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